Saturday, August 20, 2011

State List Drawables

It takes a long time to figure this out by referring to documentation

The objective is to make a customizable button that reacts to user-touch input

In android, there are many states to a View in any particular time. State List Drawables can be used to control the appearance of the View in reaction to the particular state.

In this example i will have two buttons, each having a single statelistdrawable and a onClickListener that will change the other's state.

--------------------------- A statelistdrawable subclass --------------------------------

public class ImDraw extends StateListDrawable {
int alphaValue; int heightValue; int widthValue;
Canvas canvasIM;
ColorFilter cFilter;
StateListDrawable ImSLDrawable;
Drawable ImDrawable; Drawable ImDrawable1; Drawable ImDrawable2;
Paint paintIM;
int xHeight; int xWidth;
int currentType;
public ImDraw(int drawType, int intHeight, int intWidth){
//Set default values on start
alphaValue = 255;
cFilter = new ColorFilter();
currentType = drawType; xHeight = intHeight; xWidth = intWidth;
public StateListDrawable getSLD(){
//Set drawables colors
int drawColor1 = Color.argb(alphaValue, 255, 0, 0); //Paint Red
int drawColor2 = Color.argb(alphaValue, 255, 255, 0); //Paint Yellow
int drawColor3 = Color.argb(alphaValue, 255, 255, 255); //Paint White

//Draw desired drawables for the states - note the sub-class of normalSingleDrawables
normalSingleDrawables nSDA = new normalSingleDrawables(1, xHeight, xWidth, drawColor1, alphaValue);
normalSingleDrawables nSDB = new normalSingleDrawables(1, xHeight, xWidth, drawColor2, alphaValue);
normalSingleDrawables nSDC = new normalSingleDrawables(1, xHeight, xWidth, drawColor3, alphaValue);
ImSLDrawable = new StateListDrawable();
//Setup states to android.attr state
// int stateChecked = android.R.attr.state_checked;
int stateFocused = android.R.attr.state_focused;
int statePressed = android.R.attr.state_pressed;
int stateSelected = android.R.attr.state_selected;
//Set states --- notice 15 is setup as an additional, outside android.attr state
ImSLDrawable.addState(new int[] {15}, nSDC);
ImSLDrawable.addState(new int[] {statePressed}, nSDA);
ImSLDrawable.addState(new int[] {stateSelected}, nSDA);
ImSLDrawable.addState(new int[] {stateFocused}, nSDA);
ImSLDrawable.addState(new int[] {-stateFocused, -statePressed, -stateSelected}, nSDB);
return ImSLDrawable;

// ----- Start sub-class
class normalSingleDrawables extends Drawable{
int alphaValue;
int xPos = 1 ;int yPos = 1;
int xWidth; int yHeight;
int paintcolor;

public normalSingleDrawables(int choice, int intHeight, int intWidth, int dPaint, int alpha) {
xWidth = intWidth; yHeight = intHeight;
paintcolor = dPaint;
alphaValue = alpha;

//set the shape of drawable based on values

switch (choice) {
case 1: //Draw a rectangle
ImDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
case 2: //Draw a circle
ImDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape());
default: //Draw a rectangle
ImDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new RectShape());
} }

public void draw(Canvas canvasIM) {
((ShapeDrawable) ImDrawable).getPaint().setColor(paintcolor);
ImDrawable.setBounds(xPos, yPos, xPos + xWidth ,yPos + yHeight);
ImDrawable.draw(canvasIM); }

public int getOpacity() {
return PixelFormat.OPAQUE; }

public void setAlpha(int newAlphaValue) {
alphaValue = newAlphaValue; }

public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) {
cf = cFilter; }

// ----- End sub-class

--------------------------- A statelistdrawable subclass --------------------------------
------------------------ On Application main activity --------------------------------
public class MYIM extends Activity {
TextView mainTextView;
String Msg = "";
Button mainButton = null; Button SideButton = null;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//default activity code
//reference main.xml as User Interface
//Set references point to our main.xml file - there must be two buttons with id -btnMain and btnSide
mainButton = (Button) findViewById(;
SideButton = (Button) findViewById(;
//Create our custom SLD
//Set drawables for our buttons
ImDraw NewIM = new ImDraw(1,
mainButton.getLayoutParams().height, mainButton.getLayoutParams().width);

NewIM = new ImDraw(1,
SideButton.getLayoutParams().height, SideButton.getLayoutParams().width);

//Set onClick for our buttons
mainButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
//Switch the other button to State No 15!
SideButton.getBackground().setState(new int[]{15});
SideButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
//Switch the other button to State No 15!
mainButton.getBackground().setState(new int[]{15});


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